Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stevo : Design : Tyrants


Hi kids. Happy Tuesday (or Wednesday if that's when you're reading)!!

So, I was reading and thinking and got into a Fortune magazine article about Steve Jobs.
(Fortune - March 4th 2008)

The dude is a legend. He innovates, he makes badass products, has revolutionized personal electronics. He's also an alleged maniac, a tyrant if you will.

However, Palo Alto venture capitalist Jean-Louis Gasse, a former Apple executive who once worked with Jobs: "Democracies don't make great products. You need a competent tyrant."

Here is the point of interest: Is design a democracy or does it require a strong vision.
I love this question, it's inviting....

My take - Good design takes vision. When you go for epic, just mind blowing stuff, you're often met with the forces of mediocrity telling you that your vision "can't " be done. New, big, untested = scary. Ergo, democracy in those circumstances = dillution. I could be wrong though, it wouldn't be the first time.

What do you think? (I assume you think..... :) just being a wise guy.

Be good, have fun, be nice!!!


Couple links of interest on the subject matter:

Seth Godin: Forces of mediocrity

Innovation palyground: Is design a team sport...

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