Right O', Right O'. You can think of me what you will, but when there are other folks who nail down the message about how we should interact with one another as human beings then I have to bring it to you. I'm not drinking the cool aid here, the is not "new agey" stuff and I'm not bandwagoning. You might think all of these things because the links below are to some ridiculously insightful v-podcasts, done by some left coasters, who happen to all be uber cool photographers. Point of fact is that it matters not who they are or thier profession, it's that their message is dead on. I just find if funny that I found cool life tid bits via wedding photographers. So, if that made any sense, or even if it didn't I encourage you to follow the links to a dude called Dane Sanders' "cutframetv" site. I mean if you haven't noticed he's one of only two links on this blog! Do you guys pay attention- kidding- Check them out, chew on them for a while and do good. Explore the rest of the site when you get there, it's like you tube for photographers, or folks who dig photography.
Dane Sanders Power of a Few Part1 and 2
Power of mentoring (III)
part IV of Series
Part V of series
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Call Me What You Will...
Posted by Stephen - at 6/21/2007 10:36:00 PM
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